I want my Mommy!

Jun 11

It finally happened. After months of abusing myself, over working and not sleeping enough, I got sick. Really, really sick.

I don't know if this is a physical manifestation of something that's been bothering me inside, but I feel totally *crap*. I'm sore all over, my eyes are watery and my nose is blocked. I can hardly speak and my sides hurt when I cough, sneeze, or even laugh. My head feels like it's about to explode.

I feel miserable and helpless, and wish more than anything that I was back home. I long for my Mom's TLC, for arroz caldo and for my parents' giant bed where I can drown out all my aches and pains. Thank goodness for the internet. I was able to chat with my Mom for a good couple of hours, and my spirits are lifted.

I pray I get better real quick. I have to be at work tomorrow. There's something important that I gotta do...and I can't delay it any longer.


Lala said...

boo! i love your mom, she's soooo funny! wahahaha, love her blog. :)

boo said...

hehe...funny no? parang you can just imagine her making animated kwento! thank you, La. I'm sure she'll be tickled pink! =)

"Life is too short to wake up in the mornings with regrets. So love the ones who treat you right, forget the ones who don’t. Remember that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance take it, if it changes your life, then let it. No one said it would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it."

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