
May 25

So so proud of my niece Bea, who brought home gold - #1 in figure skating.

I hope and pray she does pursue this and eventually land herself in London - for the 2012 OLYMPICS!

Well done, Bea-pottie! we are so proud of you. we all love you very much!


Mai da Paypay said...

oh boy! don't you just adore overachievers? congratulations to Bea, and yes, may she end up competing in the 2012 olympics :-)

princess_dyanie said...

wow ang galing nya! congratz! :)

"Life is too short to wake up in the mornings with regrets. So love the ones who treat you right, forget the ones who don’t. Remember that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance take it, if it changes your life, then let it. No one said it would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it."

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