Wow, Mali!

Jun 03

One evening, while hanging out together doing chores, me folding clothes and he ironing, I thought it would be fun to quiz him, cause it's been a while since he brushed up on his tagalog..

Me: what's "tiger" in tagalog?
Pranav: "TIGRRRE!"

Me: what's "lion"?
Pranav: "hmmm...i forgot..."

Me: "rat"?
Pranav: "uhmm... i forgot..."

Me: how about "dog"?
Pranav: "PUSA!"

*me laughing*

Me: "ant"?
Pranav: "PATO"!!!

(The funny part is, I have never mentioned the word "pato" to him before, so it was hilarious that he actually said that -- i have no idea where he got that from!)

The conversation ends with me telling him what the correct names for the animals were.

The next day...

Me: Do you remember? what's "pato" again?
Pranav: (in super pabibo mode, with matching big proud smile) "DAGA!!!"

*again, i have no clue where he heard "daga" from! Such a funny guy. I smile and laugh out loud whenever I remember this conversation.


ms firefly said...

LOL, that is hilarious Boo! :D
i find it very entertaining as well to quiz Kj with his Tagalog. ^-^

boo said...

Hi 'dette! I actually remembered to post this after I read your KAMATOES story!! so adorable!!!

"Life is too short to wake up in the mornings with regrets. So love the ones who treat you right, forget the ones who don’t. Remember that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance take it, if it changes your life, then let it. No one said it would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it."

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