Forever My Mom

May 10

"In the childhood memories of every good cook, there's a large kitchen, a warm stove, a simmering pot and a MOM."
~ Barbara Costikyan

For my Mom, who will drop everything, cancel everything, and be with me...whenever, wherever I need her...who has me covered in prayers that the Lord cover and protect me with His precious blood...that my life be always filled with His blessings and favour...for my Mom who so lovingly sends me packages filled with all my favourite things, through the post...who will always take the time to patiently teach me and share with me recipes only she knows by heart...for my Mom, who can dry my tears down the telephone...for her wisdom, and her love, and for "loving who I love"...I am forever grateful.

Thank you for my childhood.

Thank you for my life.

Thank you for a life filled with memories to see me through.

Thank you for making me feel that nothing is worth more than having me home...and for making my every homecoming the highlight of your year.

Thank you for my "hero's welcome" year after year after year.

Thank you for making me feel wanted, precious, irreplaceable.

Of all the Mothers in the world, how wonderful that you are mine.

I love you, Mom, and I miss you everyday. Happy Mother's Day.


ms firefly said...

aww, what a sweet tribute!
*sniff* i miss my mom too!

"Life is too short to wake up in the mornings with regrets. So love the ones who treat you right, forget the ones who don’t. Remember that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance take it, if it changes your life, then let it. No one said it would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it."

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"..and when you look back, it's all like a puff - happy, and over, and short enough. "