A year without Pappy

May 21

It's been one year today, since my grandfather passed away. Time flew by so quickly, and I can't believe it's been a year already since I last spoke with him or heard his voice.

This photograph is the last ever photo I have with him, taken the night before I flew back to London in November 2006. My last memory of Pappy was him walking me outside, despite having to struggle getting up and moving around with his walker. He watched me from the door and blew me kisses. It was a difficult goodbye, as I again wondered if it were our last ever goodbye. I miss you Pappy. I love you and am praying for you. Until I see you again, So Long.


Lala said...

goodbyes are always hard. i remember my last farewell with my lola, too. i was off to manila and she got up just to see me off.

Anonymous said...

i was a lolo's (and lola's) girl too ;-) its hard no? but let's just hold on to the idea that they're in a better place, smiling down at us from heaven.

"Life is too short to wake up in the mornings with regrets. So love the ones who treat you right, forget the ones who don’t. Remember that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance take it, if it changes your life, then let it. No one said it would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it."

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"..and when you look back, it's all like a puff - happy, and over, and short enough. "