Sophie at 13

Apr 19

Today my eldest niece turns 13. Wow, I can't believe we have a teenager!!! When I was home for vacation last November, I sort of got a sneak preview of the long and winding road ahead...waaaaaaaaah!!! Needless to say, the experience had quite a bit of drama. I do not want to think how I would be with my own kids once they hit adolescence. Puberty always scared me.

Nevertheless, I marvel at how grown up our Sophie has become, all independent and responsible. I loved the late nights spent chatting and sharing secrets, the endless question-and-answer sessions. In the same way, I didn't exactly like the little spats, and wasn't really too keen on the non-verbal-Sophie, and her being on the net for hours on end, but hey, it's part of the whole package. I've realised that. When I left, there was a little tampuhan, but it touched my heart how she insisted on not going to school that morning, so she could come to drop me off at the airport. We sat in silence the whole trip to NAIA. When I got to London and started to unpack my carry-on luggage, I saw her letter. Beautifully written. How I cried. This is it, I thought. She's grown up now and no longer a baby.

I can only pray for Sophie, and that her life be always blessed. May she also always know how very loved she is, and I wish she continues to grow into the beautiful, sweet young lady she has started to become. Most importantly, may she always be a good girl the whole Ohana can be proud of.

Love you, my little Ping. Happy Birthday!


"Life is too short to wake up in the mornings with regrets. So love the ones who treat you right, forget the ones who don’t. Remember that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance take it, if it changes your life, then let it. No one said it would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it."

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