Just a plane ride away
My parents are in Hong Kong. I have been passing the day feeling sentimental. I'm so homesick!. Throughout the day I encounter passengers whose last flight destination is Hong Kong, and I know that if I were to board the HK-bound aircraft, I'd be able to see and hug my Mom and Dad right now. One plane ride. I can't wait to go home. I am so tired. My body is tired, my brain is tired. I just want to go home and be free from my London life...for a while.
At work, I have come to realise that it is possible to feel lonely in a crowd. I used to think I could be alone, but not lonely. I've changed my mind. Now I am just sad. I pray for a way to move on. I know the Lord has bigger plans for me, and I just need to wait patiently for Him to reveal what it is I really have to do. My mom says that at the moment, I am where I'm supposed to be. I do believe this, with my heart, I do. It's just that sometimes, I get frustrated with all the waiting. I let the day-to-day happenings get the better of me. I think I'm just really tired, and I feel so burned out.
Nothing going home to Manila can't cure.
I need my safe place.
I need HOME.
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- Hi 'dette! I actually remembered to post this ... - boo
- LOL, that is hilarious Boo! :D i find it very ente... - ms firefly
- hey boo, hope everything's all right. - Mai da Paypay
- i have my prayer of jabez book too, and gets a lot... - ms firefly
- good things come to those who wait. just keep your... - princess_dyanie
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"..and when you look back, it's all like a puff - happy, and over, and short enough. "
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