Just a plane ride away

Oct 15

My parents are in Hong Kong. I have been passing the day feeling sentimental. I'm so homesick!. Throughout the day I encounter passengers whose last flight destination is Hong Kong, and I know that if I were to board the HK-bound aircraft, I'd be able to see and hug my Mom and Dad right now. One plane ride. I can't wait to go home. I am so tired. My body is tired, my brain is tired. I just want to go home and be free from my London life...for a while.

At work, I have come to realise that it is possible to feel lonely in a crowd. I used to think I could be alone, but not lonely. I've changed my mind. Now I am just sad. I pray for a way to move on. I know the Lord has bigger plans for me, and I just need to wait patiently for Him to reveal what it is I really have to do. My mom says that at the moment, I am where I'm supposed to be. I do believe this, with my heart, I do. It's just that sometimes, I get frustrated with all the waiting. I let the day-to-day happenings get the better of me. I think I'm just really tired, and I feel so burned out.

Nothing going home to Manila can't cure.

I need my safe place.

I need HOME.


"Life is too short to wake up in the mornings with regrets. So love the ones who treat you right, forget the ones who don’t. Remember that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance take it, if it changes your life, then let it. No one said it would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it."

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"..and when you look back, it's all like a puff - happy, and over, and short enough. "